Wyn Starks
Wyn Starks on the Resurgence of "Who I Am" and Its Emotional Impact Through Celine Dion's Documentary

Wyn Starks made his mark in the world after appearing on America’s Got Talent in 2022, winning over judges with his soulful original song “Who I Am”. Picked as the lead single for his debut album “Black Is Golden”, the hit originally recieved widespread acclaim and hit No.14 on The Billboard Charts. In an unlikely event, the single has re-entered the global stage after its feature in Celine Dion’s documentary, “I Am: Celine Dion”, which chronicles her ongoing struggle with stiff person syndrome.
In a scene showing a difficult session with her therapist, Celine Dion is asked to sing one of her favourite songs, “Who I Am”. Fighting back tears, Dion overcomes with resilience and delivers a heart-stopping performance of the track. This raw, poignant scene has resonated with many, causing the emotive power ballad to peak at No.1 on the iTunes R&B chart in the UK, US, Australia and Ireland.
“When I first got the news from my A&R Bryan that they were interested in using Celine Dion’s documentary, I screamed a little bit” Starks admitted. “I still didn’t know at what capacity it was going to be used in the film. I was told that she listens to the song for inspiration and that it uplifts her, that alone was rewarding to me cause that’s what her music cut down for me and so many others.”
Reflecting on his initial reaction upon seeing Dion’s emotional rendition of “Who I Am”, Starks labels it as a “surreal moment.”
“Upon hearing the song I still didn’t know at what capacity that song was going to be featured, so I went to an early showing with just me and few friends one being my cowriter Vanessa who’s also a huge Celine fan so it was really special sharing that moment with her but honestly nothing could’ve prepared me for what I experienced. Seeing her sing it with such passion and conviction in the face of everything she was going through was just amazing. I’m still in disbelief.”
Being mentioned as one of Dion’s favourite artists was a highly rewarding moment for Starks, who was astounded by the notable recognition. He labels the musical legend as a longtime inspiration - “To get that stamp of approval from someone that I’ve looked up to and has hugely inspired me as a vocalist and an artist is one of the greatest rewards for me. To hear that from a legend and an icon, such as herself is honestly a dream come true and remind me why I do what I do.”
“Who I Am” is a deeply personal and uplifting song, led by Stark’s soul-stirring vocals and raw lyrical flair. It was a favourite song of his brothers, who sadly passed away after its release.“I actually wrote the song and released my Who I Am EP before my brother passed away - it was one of his favorite songs. I could see why it resonated with him and so many other people. It’s a song of self discovery of finding what you’re made of and who you are, and that’s enough that you’re enough.”
Delving further into its empowering concept, Starks shared; “I always tell the story when I sing the song about how I had so many insecurities growing up. And I was really hard on myself. I didn’t like I didn’t like hearing my voice or seeing myself on video but now when I look back at that little boy, all I wanna do is hug him and tell him he’s enough.”
Evoking this powerful message, Dion’s heart-wrenching recreation serves as a poignant moment of hope in the documentary. Showcasing she can perform even in moments of great pain, it is evident that the emotive nature of “Who I Am” enabled strength and comfort. “I still get overwhelmed with emotions when I think about it. To see someone you admire so much go through something like that was heartbreaking, but seeing her strength and resilience in the midst of her battle with SPS was amazing. And knowing that my song can play a part in her healing journey just blows me away. It was a pinching moment for sure and still is.”
“I’ve gotten to hear so many amazing stories from her fans on how the song has inspired them”, he explains, reminiscing on how “Who I Am” has enhanced the viewer’s understanding or emotional connection to the inspiring narrative of “I Am: Celine Dion”.
“The amazing thing about music is that it can speak to whatever someone’s going through no matter how different the story. And that’s been really cool to see.”
Hailing from the recent release of energetic pop-rock single “Run”, this newfound global success is a defining moment, shaping Starks’s spiritual perspective of the next stage of his career and upcoming release of his sophomore album.
“It put a new fire in me”, he says. “Knowing that my music can have that kind of impact on so many people motivates me to keep going and to never give up. My story matters, your story matters. It reminds me that all the hard work and struggling is not for nothing.”
Speaking on how he hopes “Who I Am” will continue to impact listeners across the world, Starks shared; “I realize I’ll be singing this song for the rest of my life and that makes me very happy. Celine has made me believe I can fly even higher now. Honestly, it was one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received.”