HATC: You brought live wire energy to your shoot! We loved it!
M: Was so awesome to meet you guys thanks for having me, you made me feel very welcome!
HATC: How did growing up in a strict Christian community impact your movement into music and finding solace in it?
M: Well, only Christian music was allowed in the community so when I was growing up I only had access to pop music via my friends at school really. I started playing guitar when I was 7 - me and my friend in the commune who was the same age started together and there a competition as to who was the best. We idolised the church bands - guitarists called Jez and Andy were rock gods to us. I started writing songs shortly after - desperately trying to get a song sang in church - but it never quite happened. I continued my obsession with songwriting all the way through my early teens and right up to university, I met some cool people and it always felt like we were outsiders in a cool way. I can only thank the commune for giving me no other distractions when growing up!
HATC: I imagine it was quite strict but I guess the norm for you, what was the impact and experience growing up in different ways to others?
M: I did get bullied a bit at school, as we weren’t allowed to celebrate Christmas so every year at school I was made to feel very different. I kinda buried my memories of being bullied and it’s only since I went to therapy this year that I started reconnecting with my 11 year old self and uncovering a lot of the trauma that I’ve kept hidden for years. There were some positives though - we had a big house and lots of life around the place - my school friends used to enjoy coming over for sleepovers.
HATC: What’s been your experience with mental health? You mentioned being in therapy, I imagine music has its place in helping you work through things, but I’m a big advocate for therapy not only to for healing but for stability.
M: Well, up until the last few years I’ve always been the guy that ‘keeps going’ no matter what. And then I started to become more aware of how this was effecting my mental health. The music industry can be such an unforgiving place but I’ve found that giving myself and my music to other people is so rewarding. I go to schools and deliver talks on mental health and my songs talk about my own struggles in life and honestly when you start realising that we all need help and we all need someone to lean on - it becomes a lot more of a beautiful and vulnerable place. Going to therapy myself has helped me make sense of certain behavioural patterns and sometimes I’m like woah, it makes perfect sense now. I think it’s important to not be too hard on yourself and remember that someone else would kill to be in the position you are in right now. And be humble always!
HATC: How has your music been part of dealing, managing and being aware of addiction?
M: I have struggled with drugs and alcohol and I have also written about it. It’s a long road, and it’s a hard road but if i voice it in my lyrics it’s a reminder to myself of where I’ve come from and it definitely helps me to deal with things better. Being able to articulate and process how I’m feeling goes a long way!
HATC: Let’s talk about your album. What was the inspiration behind the making of the album? How has it allowed you to focus on your evolution, reflection and personal growth?
M: Well, the initial spark was - we got offered the Will Young tour in November and me and the label were like - well we’re gonna need something to sell at the merch stand after right. That gave me a deadline - which I think I need as I do believe I’m undiagnosed ADHD- I know everyone says that but I definitely do flit around a lot and find it hard to focus. Then, with the help of some songwriting buddies - I wrote a bunch of songs about where I’m at this moment in life - and it all came together quite beautifully. Making an album is hard but you know - now it’s done it is now part of my growth and evolution and the feedback I’ve received about it is so amazing. People are finding comfort in it which is exactly what I set out to do!
HATC: Growth can be quite daunting at times, and change even more so, how has writing your second album made it feel the right time to embrace change?
M: Funnily enough, I have been thinking about a lot of things recently - getting older and needing to grow up in certain ways. Music can keep you young but I think it’s still important to live with a certain level of maturity. The second album has bought a few home truths around I guess yeah - will it buy me a house? Maybe haha.
HATC: I love the moments of nostalgia in ‘One Minute’, what emotions ran through when creating the song, did It feel like home?

M: That song came together in such a cool way with my buddy Angus Parkin. I went over to his home studio and I wanted to write something a bit more indie and guitary. One minute is about not taking life’s moments or people for granted. It came from looking at an old photograph and wondering what it would be like to be back in that moment just for a minute. It definitely brought back old memories when writing it.
HATC: How was touring with Will Young? We adored his energy when interviewing him a few months ago, does it solidify the work you’ve done in your mind being able to see fans respond to the music in person?
M: Will is such a nice and genuine person - very calming! And his voice is just incredible! And yes! Playing live is everything to me and to play a 26 date sold out tour right when the album in has been released has been a dream come true to be honest. People who’ve just discovered me have gone home from the show and become obsessed with the album and it’s been so nice to get the feedback. I guess as a writer you don’t know what impact your songs are going to have on someone so it’s lovely to hear.
HATC: How does writing your own music and lyrics allow you to express the moments you are in in your life?
M: I truly am grateful for the gift of being able to sit on a piano or guitar and just create. Sometimes I'll write subconsciously - and the song will come from nowhere - I definitely write from the heart, and I think we are all linked so songs written at a certain time tend to resonate with the mood of people universally. Even though my songs are personal I think they are universal in the way that they deal with things that lots of people are going through.
HATC: What’s something you’ve always wanted to do musically?
M: Play a festival headline set around 10pm. When everyone is in the best mood and the lighting looks epic. Perhaps, Adele can join me on stage or something.
HATC: What brings you moments of joy, we love to ask and hear from guests about those all-important moments that get you through the day.
M: For me, it’s a cup of Columbian filter coffee with oat milk in the morning, a nice text from my girlfriend, a long walk followed by a cuddle watching Netflix. I have simple pleasures really.
Creative Alice Gee & Max Giorgeschi
Photography Max Giorgeschi
Styling Lois Jenner